Risk Legacy World History

“For how long this state of War and misery Has lasted we can not know. So much of our history is lost. We do not even know the names of some of the countries that were at the start of the war but we do know how it came to an end.” Speech by Chairwoman Cassanda of Khan Industries on the eve of entering the wormhole.
In the not too distant future mankind has achieved many miraculous things. The most notable is advanced genetic enhancements and modifications, and cybernetic modifications.
At first experimentation into these fields was closely controlled with government safeguards in place to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands and to insure the highest morals were used. The hope for these were to improve peoples lives and help create a better world for all. New limbs for those who had lost them, immunity from disease and abundant food for all.
But as the advancements came faster and faster the ability to keep them from the wrong hands became harder and harder and movements opposed to the technology it self began.
The true horrors started when terrorists and vicious dictators somehow go a hold of the technology. How we can not say for sure but many suspect greedy corporations. Others hackers. But what we know for sure it that once the technology was out in the public domain there was no stopping what happened next.
With super powered terrorists causing mayhem and dictators cybernetically upgrading their soldiers The first Great War of the Future age began. With massive parts of the Middle East, Africa and South America experiencing first hand the full impact of the new technology in war fare. The war was vicious and bloody,  especially for the civilians trapped between the tyrants forces and the invading armies. Thousands of refugees fled the land or hid in the wilderness. Many more were forced into warlords forces and became living weapons.Eventually the cities were emptied and any resemblance of order. Even the cruel order of a tyrannical regime, disappeared leaving only the bloodshed.Victory came to the Allied forces but at a terrible cost in lives and resources. All the nations became suspicious of each other and an arms race for the new technology began. Old Friendships evaporated and new grudges arose.With the heightened tensions of a true world war 3 braking out the populous panicked and movements that started during what became known as The Tyrant Wars became powerful forces.

There were those that believed in maintaining the “purity of the human form” treating anyone with enhancements or modifications as less then human.
There were those that believed in transcending humans physical frailty ether through genetic enhancements or cybernetic modifications whether people wanted them or not.
Others such as big businesses wanted to use it all for their own purpose.
Such powerful and more often then not violent groups caused their governments to crack down on them helping the cycle of violence and chaos further
In the end these unstable elements and the inability for the nations to unify together caused the 3rd World War. This war was not only between the worlds nations but also civil wars inside them as well. As the oppressed group declared open warfare on any that didn’t join them.
With total anarchy many people went with whom ever would except them and offer them protection. These poor souls fed the more extreme fractions and often became little more then slaves in a cult.
As the War carried on and the nations resorted to using everything they had at their disposal including nuclear weaponry a small group of scientist from all around the world joined up and in secret devised a way to end the War and save the world.
The Eden project as their hopes and after countless years they succeeded. Sending an invitation to representatives of all the world fractions they managed to broker a cease-fire while they explained their plan.
They had discovered a way to create stable worm holes to other dimensions and they had found a near infinite universes that contained Earths that had not been ruined by humans. Earths that had in fact not evolved humans or sentient life forms at all but were perfect Edens.
The plan was for every fractions to move to their own Earth leaving the Scientist group as the only ones on Earth prime. They would maintain the worm holes and repair the damage done to earth prime while acting as intermediaries to the other fractions.
How ever the fractions were too distrustful and instead a compromise was made. To see if the worlds would be habitable and that the worm holes could be maintained. The first few worlds would be populated by an expedition from several different fractions. (five per world was the final agreement)they would explore and live in the new world for a couple of years and if everything worked out then they would move the entirety of their forces to a new world.
“We are part of one of these expeditions. The Enclave of the Bear. The Imperial Balkania, The Saharan Republic , Die Mechaniker and Khan Industries. We travel to this new World together. This new world symbolising a new start for all of us. A new hope for redemption from the sins of the past. And the beginning of a new age of peace” Chairwoman Cassanda of The Khan Industries on the eve of entering the wormhole. Six months before she declared War.

Risk Legacy Intro

For my Birthday I received Risk Legacy a board game that I have been interested in for quite a while. Now unless you know traditional Risk is a world domination game set during the Napoleonic wars where you build your army and try to invade your way across the world. And you only win by destroying every other player in the game.
In Risk Legacy you win instead by earning victory points know as Red Stars. Each player starts with a HQ and each of these are worth one Red Star.(so you always start with One Red Star). You can trade four Resource Cards for a Red Star (you earn Resource Cards for conquering other players territory). And there are other ways of earning Red Stars that I am unaware of at the moment.
Now you may ask. How can you not know the full rules if you own the game and therefore must have the rule book with you?
Well the answer to that also explains how the game can change and evolve as we play it. Parts of the rulebook are Blank with a description like “Rule addition K will go here” Or Even “Rules addition C will go here and replace these rules” Yes rules at the start of the Campaign will be replaced later on as we play. We will also unlock new sets of cards when we do things like ” Open when a fraction is eliminated from the game”. There are also some fun thematic changes that happen such as when you build cities (which become a permanent feature on the board) you get to name it. Along with the different countries and at the end of the first 15 games the world it self.
Now at this point I’m not sure if it is just Fluff (story based elements that don’t effect the actual game mechanics but add narrative flavour) or Crunch (game mechanics that effect how the game plays but doesn’t matter in the games narrative) that this time around each fraction is different. Where as with normal risk the only difference between the army’s are the colour of the pieces. This time they have different names and figures with a short extract to point out the difference between then. In reading the rules the mechanics are the same for each player but I can see that changing as the game goes on.
Such as the Die Mechaniker fraction extract says how they prefer a strong defence and plan to out last the others. While Khan Industries says how they use masses of cheap disposable troops.

In honour of receiving this game and the fact that it’s made to be so personal and shaped by those that play it (and because I haven’t created any fanfiction of years) I am going to write up a story to go along with each game and expand upon the short extract each fraction gets to give them a fully fleshed out feel.
So soon I will post a short world history to explain how we got to this situation . Followed by a Short history of each fraction and depending on feed back from my friends who will play it with me.(not the wife sadly she is very anti world domination) create characters to lead each fraction or depending on how we want to make the time frame of the world. A new leader each game.(such as is the time between each war aka game a couple of years or is it closer to a couple of decades or even centuries between them?)

Avatar The Last Airbender Episode 3 the Southern Air Temple Review

Episode 3 The southern air temple.
We come back in the second round of episodes I have just finished watching and this time it was three in at once. I was going to try and cover all three in one review but quickly realised that it would be far too long so instead I’ll write them all individually and just post them as quickly as I can.
Firstly we are still in the world building and plot establishing phase. We know that Aang is the Avatar. That he has to learn Air (already covered and with the Tattoo’s to prove it) Water (currently on way to Northern Water Tribe to find a Master), Earth and finally Fire. And that it is Aang’s duty as Avatar to end the war and bring peace and balance to the world.
But we also know that Aang didn’t want to be the Avatar and just wants to live a happy simple life. Well any chance of that is  dashed when he returns home to find it completely deserted. No people and no animal life. What we do get are some flash backs to Aangs life 100 years ago, we see how the temple use to be. full of life and happiness. baby flying bison filling the sky and Aang’s mentor/surrogate farther monk Gyatso (who is named after the current Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso) We get hints that even back then people could see trouble coming but there was still hope it could be avoided. A hope that is shattered when Katara finds a Fire Bender’s helmet in the ruins.
hiding it from Aang for now Sokka points out that the truth can’t be hidden from Aang for ever.
Aang states that he is finally ready to accept his duties as Avatar and he enters a sealed chamber that he was told would contain someone that would help him fulfill his role as Avatar. But inside all we see are statues. Thousands of statues or men and women from all four nations (I’m going to count North and South Water tribes as one unless I specific otherwise) The group realise that the statues are of the earlier Avatars and Aang makes special mention of Roku, the Avatar before him and they highlight the fact that he was a fire bender.
What I love about this scene and another we will get to soon is how well it makes the world feel lived in and real. It has history and the weight of being the Avatar is almost crushing with Thousands of examples for Aang to live upto. This is all interrupted when the last part of the Gaang/Team Avatar (fan names for the group) is introduced. A flying Leamour later named Momo. On chasing him Aang (who wanted a new pet) and Sokka (who wanted dinner) stumble into Monk Gyatso’s finial resting place. A small building full of dead Fire Benders and Gyatso’s skellington(a pretty horrific sight especially for a Nickelodeon’s Cartoon) The sight of his fallen mentor.(fallen in the sense of being killed but Also I feel in that everything the Air Nomads believed in was n and that all life is sacred. Yet with the dozens of dead around Gyatso we see that he went down fighting and Bloody hell it must have been one heck of a fight.) Drives Aang into what we saw last episode. The as yet unnamed Avatar State. and once again we see this little skinny 12 year old glow with terrifying power. his rage destroying the building they are in and threatening to send the others over the end of the mountain.
While Katara was still in the statue room we see all the statues eyes glow and shine out the same light as Aang. This sensed shivers down my spine with the music perfectly matching the power that is being unleashed. We quickly zoom around the world to other temples and shrines and see that all around the world the same thing is happening. The world knows the Avatar is back. Including Fire Monks who send word to the Firelord him self that the Avatar is back. All hope of quietly sneaking around to level up is gone and we know that the Fire Nation will be after them.
Katara then earns a place in my personal hall of being a bad ass by walking towards the rage filled god and talking him down. With words of love, lose and family she comforts him and he regains control of himself.
A big Part of why Atla is so special is how well it manages the protagonist and the Deuteragonist. While in the intro episodes we got a look at our main villains and they were shown to be people here we get a better look at the Fire nation military. Zuko’s ship while impressive to those of the Water tribe is dwarfed by Zhao’s. showing that Zuko’s group is just that. A group not a full fighting force like Zhao’s. With the implication that while Zuko is a threat, he is nothing compared to what our heroes would face if the full might of the fire nation was aimed at them.

I will mention with out spoiling anything but the foreshadowing is brilliant. Focusing on Zuko’s Burnt eye while talking about what happened the last time he faced a Fire Bending master. Showing that it was his own people that scarred his face.
Also the Agni kai. wonderful action sequence show casing the Fire bending style (based on Northen shalion kung fu) and the emphasise on the philosophy of the art form. that the power comes from the breath not the muscle. But I will get into the full implications of this later.
What this episode achieves is in setting that Aang is truly the last of his kind. He has no where to go but forward towards his fate. It also sets up that Zuko has his own agenda. He is loyal to the Fire Nation but his own goal of Returning home is what drives him.

Avatar the Last Airbender episodes1+2 The boy in the iceberg

Hello all this isn’t what you were expecting but a fantastic and monumental thing happened. Netflix took down star trek the next generation. Now this inst very fantastic and monumental, especially as me and my wife were just about to watch season 7 as we had just finished Star Trek the original series on Amazon. So for the mean while we will not find out how Picard will escape from Evil Data and his Evil robotic brother Law. (Star Trek can get silly at times) But as we can’t watch it as our dinner time telly we have skipped ahead to what we were going to watch next. Which as you may have guessed from the title is AVATAR THE LAST MOTHER DUCKING AIRBENDER!!!!! and yes the caps were completely necessary. I love this show, I love the world, I love the characters, the music, the art. Oh my God and Goddess how I love the art. I love Bryke. (Bryke be with us, Bryke give us strength). But I am very shy about showing others shows I love. So I hadn’t ever got round to getting my wife to sit down and watch it with me. But I finally did and now I have something to Review.
As you can tell from my rant I have already seen the show before. In fact this will be at least my 4th complete in order watching of the series. While house sharing I managed to get one of my friends to watch it with me.(while they read along to Mark Reads) and I will every so often just watch an episode here and there that I partially like. But on saying all that it has been a few years since I sat down and watched it properly. In fact I last watched it in preparation of THE LEGEND OF TAKING NO SHIT WHAT SO EVER KORRA. So that was back early 2012 so there will still be things that I have forgotten or have remembered differently with hindsight and even nostalgia.
So with out any more rambling here’s my thoughts on Episodes 1+2 the boy in the iceberg

What strikes me the most is how young they all look, which is silly I know but after Korra it’s weird to see them fresh faced and inexperienced. Like looking back at childhood photos almost where you see what you were before and remember how much you went through to get where (and who) you are now.
They for the most part are carefree and happy. There is a sense of how wrong things are, Karatra’s and Sokka’s mother being dead and the lack of men in the village. But when Aang is around there is a sense of joy and optimism that should be normal but as Gran gran points out is unusual.
The music as always is amazing, I could and have listened to it for hours. In fact the main avatar state theme is one that I will listen to at the gym for motivation. I love the fact that in the Avatar/Korra fandom no matter how toxic it get’s how nasty the bloody shipping wars get and how much people bitch and moan. No one, not a single person or comment I have ever seen has ever said anything negative about the music. It is the one unifying factor for everyone.
Another thing to mention is that the action is wonderful. Not nearly as impressive as it will become but our first sight of the as yet unnamed Avatar State is still spine chilling. Compared to what we had seen the others be able to do Aang’s waterspout is awe-inspiring.
Honestly after watching the first two episodes it doesn’t feel as good as I remember. But considering that it is just the intro and it has a hell of a lot of world building to do it. It does the job it needs to do to grab your interest and promise more.
So far the wife seems to be enjoying it but I look forward to being able to get her views and reactions to what’s happing.
Thank you for reading
The Geeky Englishman.

Journal 01/02/2015

Journal 01/02/2015

Hello one and all (that actually being no one because I haven’t updated since I started). Since I have been a very bad blogger I have decided to post a journal about what has kept me away for the past few months (oh Gods , Goddess and eldritch abomination it’s been bloody months).
So what has actually stopped me from posting ? well during the September and October months I learnt a very harsh lesson in how much I suck at writing. I started over a dozen articles on things like. The difference between Star Trek the Original Series Kirk and the New movie version of him.(pretty much how Tos Kirk especially at the beginning was kind of crap with women and was more in love with his ship and duty)
I also had one on my thoughts of “colour changing” of actors. On both changing a “white” character to a “black” actor such as Heimdall. And changing a Japanese character like Son Goku (yes I’m sad enough to call him by his full name) with a white american actor.
But what I found through all of this is how much I had loss from not needed to write for years. Since I left College (the equivalent of High School) the only writing I’ve needed to do has been updating my CV and any fan-fiction I could drag myself to do. My ability to create a coherent piece is shattered.So all though them months I learnt that I needed to relearn how to write.
Which takes me to November where I started by really looking at the blogs and opinion pieces that I read. I tried looking at how they were laid out and finding out how they wrote. Which is what lead me to discovering that in writing terms I am an Architect. I need to lay out the foundations of what I’m about the write. Then go back and add the walls and plumbing. Then go back again and add all the fancy little decorations around the place and sweep up any loose spelling.
Which goes to December which is the busiest month of my job. Which is likely try for most of you especially if you work retail but since I work security for retail I ended up going to court. Not as a criminal (for they are a cowardly and superstitious lot) but as a witness/victim. As one male we stopped from shoplifting was very uncooperative and as we were waiting for the police decided that he didn’t want to see the police today and tried to leave. In the end he tried to brake my finger and bite me but we put him down and when the police arrived they found us on top of the fellow who was still shouting threats and spitting at us. (us English are a classy lot don’t ya know) All in all I had to take time to sort it out and with Christmas where I did extra you can see how it went.
And Lastly January where I’ve had a cold all month and have just started an on-line learning course. I don’t have a real excuse for January other then my Birthday (It’s getting far too close to getting a telegraph from the Queen for my liking).
So that was what has been but what of things to come? Well I am feeling mostly better I just have a persistent cough which I’m going to ignore and just carry on as normal(while keeping clam and drinking tea) I have a new Rota at work which has meant I can plan out what I’m going to do now. I am starting the gym again, today in fact and I will do a fitness update soon. My on-line course is going well and I should have the first assessment in ahead of time.
But most importantly as far as this blogg is concerned I’ve set aside time for it and even have a schedule for what and when I’ll be posting. What are these up coming posts I pretend to hear you ask?
Well I plan to complete my “thoughts on Colour Bending” for Friday the 6th of Feb.
If I learn how to post Photo I will be posting a few of my experimental photographs from my new bridge camera as I relearn how.That would be Wednesday the 11th of Feb
So it looks like I should be happily busy these up coming weeks and months if all goes well and if I don’t fall into sloth again. Thank you very much for taking the time to read the rambling of some crazy bloke and I hope to be back for more.
The Geeky Englishman.