My Fitness Journey Week 15 + 16 +17

My Fitness Journey Week 15 + 16 +17

It has been time to get serious. And So I mostly have, in a sense.

I spent some time getting a plan in my head and have actually started to act it out.

To start I took it very simple and gradually increased everything. I did 5 push ups, sit ups, triceps dips, squats and plank for 5 sec. Then through out the next two weeks I increased it from 5 of everything to 10 of everything then doing it twice a day to doing 15 of everything twice a day.

I had intended to get to 20 of everything twice a day but unfortunately I had family matters to go to (a funeral and all the fun that involves) so that interrupted stuff for a bit.

After that phase. (phase 0 I’m thinking of it) I have begun the running phase. Today I did my first 5k non-stop run ever in a not brilliant but not too shabby 11min per mile. For my first attempt I going to count that as a win.

From here though I will work up to a 10 min mile and from there move onto a 10k run by the end of June/early July as I have been invited to a do a 10K charity event.

As for my run today I feel pretty good and still had energy left for more.

All in all I plan to do more running and much more updating of the blog.

My Fitness Journey 01/02/16-05/02/16

1st . Today was meant to be sets of different body weight exercises. But due to quite a lot of washing up and cooking that needed to be done I decided to focus on my household duties and instead do some much quicker weights exercises.

I did 20 reps of three sets biceps curls. And then 15 reps of 3 sets of militantly press (which I had to do kneeling due to my height).

2nd Again I failed to do the Body weight exercise as I forgot to set the alarm and didn’t have enough time. SO again I did 20 reps of 4 sets biceps curls. And then 10 reps of 4 sets of militantly press

3rd Rest day as I was too busy again.

4th I did more weights today and diced to increase them from 12 ½ kg plus bar to 18kg plus bar.

I did 10 reps of 4 sets of bi-curl and 10 rep of 4 set military press.

5th Rest day. I had intended to go running but my running partner wasn’t able to come and ~I had had some poor news so wasn’t in the mood to go out again.

After an incident at work I decided to focus more on strength building and I’ve been tempted to join a run at some point in the year. Probably in October so I have enough time to train properly.

I feel like I went a bit wobbly to the end of the week and hope that I get back into a better frame of mind for the up coming week.

My Fitness Journey 25/01/16-29/01/16

My Fitness Journey 25/01/16-29/01/16

25th While feeling unwell I was coming down with a cold I was persuaded to go on another run. Running with someone else is very different then alone. You get extra motivation to carry on but also can end up going at someone else’s pace which isn’t always the best.
This run was also the longest I’ve done at over three miles. We ran a new route I hadn’t even walked down before and ended up on the return half of the ran taking several walking breaks. (where we stopped running and instead walked for a section). I reckon I could have carried on and done the whole thing but my partner wasn’t feeling up-to it.

26th Rest day after feeling unwell and still doing exercise the day before I felt like I needed it.

27th My Birthday, so I spent the day doing birthday stuff and did no exercises which turns out to have been a bad idea.

28th “Rest day” again I didn’t get to do anything as I had a funny work day.

29th. Another Lazy day. Well I wasn’t actually that lazy, I cycled about 2 miles to go spend some bday vouchers on my bike. Getting a new saddle which had broken and new lights etc. then cycle 2 miles back. After that I spent the rest of the day doing house work which is actually fairly physical. But I don’t count as training.

So this week was fairly poor to be honest. I wasn’t feeling great and had a few other obligations but I do feel like I was bad. Next week things should be simpler with working lates so I can sleep in and still have time to work out. Should be doing sets so we shall see how that goes.

My Fitness Journey 18/01/16 – 24/01/16

My Fitness journey 18/01/16 – 24/01/16

Monday Running 2.5miles at 10mintues per mile. Two sets 10 rep standing push ups.

A very enjoyable run again with the added bonus of discovering that at the half way point there is a hand handrail (I didn’t do that on purpose) which I can do some push ups and dips on. So next run we shall add some more of them into it.

Tuesday rest. Partly because I went round a mates house and played video games .

Wednesday, I had fully intended to go running but on coming home I found the path I would run frosted over. So stuck in doors with no real aim I decided to do some weight work.

20 reps of 4 sets of bi-curls with a barbell.

Then 10 reps of 4 sets of military press. (Which I have to do while kneeling as otherwise I would be hitting the ceiling)

While I was sad to not go for the run (well I hate running but I is very good for me to go running) I did enjoy the weights as I have always loved lifting heavy stuff. My body build is designed for building mass but as I said before I have been very lazy in looking after myself.

While I want to build my arms a lot and have the potential to do that eventually for now I am happy to just build the foundation for that growth. Over all Fitness is more important to me for now.

Thursday Rest

Friday I went for the run again as it was only slightly raining. I failed to time myself but I made a few minor changes. Firstly at the midway point which is a n incline to a bridge. I started to increase my pace from my standard plodding along to a proper running pace and a sprint uphill to jump up and touch the roof of the bridge. That killed me and I was majorly out of breath.

At this halfway point instead of stopping completely I paced along the bridge until I got m,y breath back. Then I did 10 push ups on the hand rail, walked to the other end of the bridge and did 10 more. After doing this a few times I went to do dips and good lord I hate dips. I could only do one set of 10 and then and second set of 5 before my arms started to buckle.

Then it was back on the run, plodding along and again when I neared the end I picked up to a full run. I felt very good about the run again and once I figure out exactly what to do at the midway point it will get even better.

Noticing my speed as I “ran”. Well run feels like a lie as I am jogging. Just plodding along step by step. Although I have to remind myself that that’s how it works, one leg in front of the other just keep moving. What I want to get to is a point when I can do the whole route at a proper running pace.

In a non fitness note.

As I was doing the walking warm up to the start of the route I went past a large 6-9 group of hooded youths hanging around the train bridge I cross over. Now this naturally made me nervous but I’m a 6’4 male. When I went past them in the dark they didn’t say a thing to me. Now how differently would it have been if I wasn’t a fairly intimidating figure? If I was female? I don’t have anything to really say but it’s worth thinking about.

My Fitness Journey 11/01/16-17/01/16

My Fitness Journey 11/01/16-17/01/16

My first week of my new exercise plan.

Monday. Weights 20lbs , biceps curls curls 20 reps 4 sets.

Weights 20lbs knelling military press 10 reps 3 sets

Tuesday Weights 20lbs , biceps curls 20 reps 4 sets.

Weights 20lbs knelling military press 10 reps 3 sets

Wednesday 2mile walk mixed hills

40min run light pace

Currently writing this with my legs burning and an annoying case of joggers nipple. (this a real thing look it up, also Vaseline is a god send) before when I’ve tried running/jogging I’ve used apps like C25K (couch to 5k) while running with others. Sadly me and tech doesn’t seem to get on well and the apps keep dying on me. Thankfully these experiences did teach me how to jog at a sustainable pace and control my speed. So today I decided to just do a short walk for the warm up and then just jog half the normal distance along a river to a bridge and then take a 5 min walk to get my breath back and jog the way back. I honestly wasn’t sure I could do it as before I did interval training so I ruin for a little then walked for a bit etc. I was also very surprised I actually went out in the rain in the dark to do it and that as I was alone I didn’t wimp out and walk more. Over all feeling very good but slightly painful in my knees. (will google that later)

Thursday Rest day

Friday Rest day

Saturday rest day (spent the day cooking, literally the whole day cooking as I was planning on doing weights but failed

Sunday Another day of cooking so I was unable to go for another run which is very disappointing. How ever I was able to get in some free weight exercises such as push ups 10 reps 3 sets. Wall climbers 10 reps 3 sets. Sit ups 10 reps 3 sets. Leg raises 10 reps of 3 sets and squats 10 reps of 3 sets.

So I got in a little bit of a work out in. Not much but better then nothing.

Over all this week has been mixed. I was very surprised with myself on Wednesday, able to do much more then I thought of myself. Sadly the rest of the time life took over and prevented me for doing what I wanted.

Next week will be a tough week for me as I have seven days of early starts 5.30 and work every single day. But dispute that I am to get 3 runs in. hopefully Monday Wednesday and Friday

So wish we luck.